Letter to Underclassmen

Letter to Underclassmen

Isabel Gomez

Dear Underclassman,

Being in high school can be intimidating, but I have some advice that can help get you through it. I would say my biggest regret of all of high school would be not being too concerned with my grades freshmen year. Going back and looking at my transcript, it was the year that affected my GPA the most. so when they tell you EVERY year counts, it is the truth. So develop study habits as soon as possible because it will help in the long run.
Going into sophomore year, I would say the most important thing is to still work on your grades and your studying habits. My math teacher that year, Ms. Salvesen, taught me how to study for math, she would say, “practicing math is studying.” So before a test, I would practice problems at home and learning that skill really helped me in the long run. Now, math is my favorite subject and my major is related to it! Also, I would say if you have no idea where you want to go to college, I would start trying to figure out your preferences. Such as, if you like a small school or or large school, urban or rural, the temperature, distance, just try to narrow down what you really like, it will make junior year easier.
Going into junior year or senior year, I would visit the colleges you really like, getting that out of the way will make the SAT process easier. Once you know several schools you would want to go to, you can relax and know your target scores you need to obtain in order to get into your desired school. And yes junior year is the hardest of all, just because you need to find a balance between going to school, studying for SATs or ACTs, and tutoring for them as well. Sometimes I felt like I had no social life because my life revolved around too much school. But i made it through and lived to tell the tale! It was just so hard because the grades for this year are the most important since it is your last chance to really prove yourself to a college.
For senior year I would say it is important to not develop senioritis. IT IS REAL, at first I did not really think I had it, but as the weather got warmer, my focus was elsewhere. But school is still important this year because a college you got into can take away a scholarship if your grades start to slack. I would also say, it is important to spend time with the people you care about before you leave for college. These are the last moments you have with them therefore it is important to make lasting memories and to stay in touch with them when you come back!
All in all, I would say the most important things to do in high school is to develop studying habits, because having those will make the future years a lot easier. Also, get involved at school or the community. It is a good way to make friends and discover things about yourself such as a new interest or dislike.

Isabel Gomez