Is It Love or Is It Not?

Is It Love or Is It Not?

Ashley Lutz and Elizabeth Jasek, Staff Writer and Fundraising Chairperson

There is a fine line between couples being cute and disgusting in school. Have you ever seen a couple sucking face in the hallway or hearing a couple’s intimate conversation and want to throw up? Because we have.  

We will be honest, we do not have boyfriends. However, jealousy does not take part in this disgust. It is entirely based on overly affectionate couples during school hours.

Don’t get us wrong, it is cute when you see a couple holding hands or a boyfriend carrying his girlfriend’s Michael Kors gym bag.That is also, socially acceptable actions in school.

On the other hand, sucking face is a completely different story. Personally, we like to stay focus in school and not be disrupted by PDA (Public Display of Affection).

Also, we dislike those couples that need to see each other before every period. Be with your partner at the beginning of the day, lunch, and at the end of the day.

The phrase “get a room” should be taken into immediate effect the entire seven hours a day, five times a week, that you spend in school. Relationships only require two people to understand their love for each-other, not strangers trying to get to their next class.

If other students feel this way, just imagine how teachers feel. “I don’t find all acts of affection to be inappropriate (holding hands or hugging), but otherwise, I think PDA is immature and makes others feel uncomfortable” stated by English teacher, Ms. Johnson.

We just ask for these people to go to class and not make out in the hallways.

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