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Meet Paytyn Crisp: 2024 P.R.I.D.E. Ambassador Nominee!

Paytyn standing beside her PRIDE Ambassador poster by her locker.
Paytyn standing beside her PRIDE Ambassador poster by her locker.
Lia Nowak

Senior Paytyn Crisp is one of five nominees competing for WMC’s P.R.I.D.E. Ambassador!

Of the five P.R.I.D.E. traits, Paytyn believes she best embodies determination. She states, “I work hard in all my classes, sports, and clubs. I’m determined to do whatever I need and whatever is told of me.”

Paytyn has been a dedicated goalie for Central’s soccer team this fall. In addition to soccer, she plays lacrosse in the spring and eagerly anticipates her final senior season.

Paytyn is not only an athlete but also a committed worker. She serves as vice president of Reach Out Non-Profit, which advocates for young adults’ mental health. Additionally, Paytyn works at Ort Farms while balancing her schoolwork and athletics. She also holds the position of student council vice president!

Describing herself as ‘carefree,’ Paytyn captures her easygoing spirit and joy both in school and out. “I’m very caring towards people,” she says. “If something’s happening in my life that’s stressful…I try not to think or care too much about it.” Emphasizing her focus on positivity, she adds, “I know that negative thinking won’t help me, so I focus on the good things.”

During the homecoming game, Paytyn was escorted by junior Connor Thornton!

Paytyn believes her active participation in school makes her the ideal choice for P.R.I.D.E. Ambassador. She adds, “I put a lot of my time into improving the school and raising money for it so we can get the best school year that we can get.” 

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