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The student news site of West Morris Central High School

The Paw Newspaper

The student news site of West Morris Central High School

The Paw Newspaper

The student news site of West Morris Central High School

The Paw Newspaper


Overview and Policy Manual

The Paw’s Editorial Policy Manual is adapted from the Journalistic Education Association’s sample editorial policy as well as the editorial policies of Clark Central High School’s Odyssey Media Group.  

Part I: Overview

The Paw is a student-produced newspaper and online publication that is written and published by members of WMC’s journalism class and journalism club.  The purpose of both publications is to inform, entertain, and give voice to the student body as well as educate future journalists. Both the website and each print issue are public forums for student expression under the guidance of a faculty advisor.  

The Paw is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and won a silver medal award for the 2022-2023 school year. 

Part II:  Policies 

Prior Review Policy

Student journalists in New Jersey are protected by the New Voices legislation.  In this legislation, prior review is strongly discouraged. However, if a source or administrator asks to see an article prior to publication, the writer will meet with the Editors-in-Chief, and Department Editor, and the journalism advisor to determine the validity of the request.  The Paw does not allow censorship of articles or retractions of on-record statements unless an issue of accuracy is to be addressed. At no time should a staff writer feel pressured or intimidated by a source in regards to on-record statements. 

Source Attribution Policy 

All staff writers will include source attributions in their articles. Additionally, all staff writers will submit the recording of the interview, a transcription of the interview, and any additional interview notes to Mrs. Kisatsky. 

Because anonymous sources lack credibility, staff writers are not to use a quote or information from a source who requests anonymity unless it is deemed vital for the story by the Editors-in-Chief and advisor.  Anonymous sources will be rare exceptions to The Paw’s journalistic practice. 

In cases where bullying, harassment, or safety concerns pose a threat to a source, the advisor must be alerted as a mandatory reporter. 

A source may wish to go off the record during an interview.  If this occurs, the staff writer must pause the recording and respect the wishes of the source.  The source will indicate when they are ready to continue the interview on the record.  Staff writers may not use any information provided by a source when the source is off the record. 

Retraction Policy 

All members of The Paw strive to provide accurate, fair, and unbiased news for the school district and the surrounding community.  Each published piece will be checked by the advisor, the section editor, and the editor-in-chief.  If incorrect information is published in a print issue, the error will be acknowledged and corrected in the next print issue in the Corrections and Omissions section. If incorrect information is published on the website, the error will be immediately acknowledged and corrected on the Corrections and Omissions page of the website.   Minor errors on the website (grammar, mechanics) will be immediately correct within the text of the original article.

Interview Policy

All staff members will prioritize securing face-to-face interviews.  Students will initiate the interview process via email, and Mrs. Kisatsky must be CC’d on the email.  All interviews will be recorded (with the source’s consent) and transcribed.  Recordings, transcriptions, and interview notes will be submitted to Mrs. Kisatsky following the interview.  If the source is not available to meet in person, staff writers should try to secure a phone interview or set up a Zoom/Google Meet.  Interviewing a source via email should only occur if all other options are not feasible. 

To uphold the integrity of the publication, students will not interview close friends, family, or those with whom objectivity is compromised. 

If a source requests to see questions in advance, the staff writer should first vet the situation with their department editor, the editor-in-chief, and Mrs. Kisatsky

Byline Policy

All articles, graphics, photos, art, and reviews and other material creatively conceived will be bylined with the content creator’s name. All bylined creators will be held accountable for their work. When more than one person has contributed creatively to a piece of work, any person who has contributed to the work must be bylined as a producer. When a collaborator/editor contributes 20% of rewrites, they must be bylined as a co-creator.

School Death Policy

Any current member of the West Morris Central high School community who dies will be recognized on the website with an obituary and picture.  The obituary will also be published in the next print issue.  The obituary will either be written by a staff writer or a guest contributor who was close to the deceased. The obituary will include a brief biography as well as any accomplishments, honors, or interests of the deceased. References to surviving family members and funeral services may also be part of the obituary.  The cause of death will not be mentioned, debated, or investigated in any way. 

Guest Contributor Policy 

The Paw welcomes contributions from students and staff. Materials should be submitted to the editors-in-chief.  All print and visual materials will be reviewed by the editors-in-chief and Mrs. Kisatsky.  All materials must be the original work of the guest contributors and cannot appear in any other publication.  Work can also be edited by the editors-in-chief in collaboration with the writer.  All work must reflect the standards and guidelines of The Paw. 

Letters to the Editor 

Send letters to [email protected].  All letters must be 250-450 words and signed.  No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Any letter that is insulting, obscene, libelous, or does not meet the standards and guidelines of The Paw will not be published. All letters may be edited for clarity and length. 

Press Pass and “In the Field” Coverage Policy 

Staff writers must display a Paw Pass when on assignment for The Paw, and they are also responsible for signing out and returning Paw Passes once their assignment is completed.  While representing The Paw, students must act in accordance with the student code of conduct. 

If a staff writer fails to follow these protocols, the student will meet with Mrs. Kisatsky may be referred to the administration for disciplinary measures.  

Acceptable behavior:

  • School-approved attire
  • Wearing a Paw Pass at all events 
  • Professional language
  • Manners when approaching potential people to interview 
  • Deletion of any pictures or video that is not used
  • Deletion of any pictures or video after the reel is created

Unacceptable behavior:

  • Harassing people for a comment
  • Being too loud/distracting at the event
  • Cursing or saying inflammatory things
  • Interviewing students or adults who are intoxicated or under the influence of an illegal substance
  • Using video or pictures without consent
  • Using video or pictures for purposes other than creating a reel for The Paw
  • Breaking any rules of conduct outline in WMC’s student handbook

Social Media Policy 

The Paw uses social media to promote its content and report breaking news.  Social media content will be held to the same standards as all other reporting in terms of information gathering and accuracy.  When creating content for social media posts, staff writers will not give a platform to any students who are in violation of the student code of conduct.  Any recording or photos of students taken for the purpose of social media may not be used for any other purpose.  Doing so will result in disciplinary action.