Mike Marino has officially taken office as the new mayor of Long Valley. A resident of the town for over 20 years, Marino is no stranger to the community. His rise to the position of mayor comes after years of active involvement in local activities and government.
As his children grew older, Marino found new ways to serve the community, eventually stepping into local government. “I saw opportunity to serve the community in a different fashion,” he shares.
From Vice Mayor to Mayor
Marino’s path to mayor began when he served as vice mayor for two years. In Long Valley, residents elect members to the township committee for three-year terms, and the committee selects the mayor and vice mayor each year. Marino said, “… knew very recently that they wanted to switch… because of [his] experience as vice mayor, they chose [him] to move up to the mayor position.”
A Mix of Excitement and Responsibility
When Marino found out he was selected to be mayor, his initial reaction was, “was exciting, but it was also the realization of the responsibility that I was going to be facing,” he admits. While the opportunity to lead the town was thrilling, Marino was fully aware of the challenges it would bring. “It wasn’t like it was nervousness,” he says. “It was just making sure… okay, there’s a big step now. Are you ready?” Despite the challenges, Marino feels ready for the role. Marino feels he will be supported, stating t “There’s a lot of people in town, a lot of professionals that you can rely on.”
Leading with Purpose
As mayor, Marino plans to work closely with the township committee to make decisions that benefit the town. While many day-to-day tasks are handled by town staff, the mayor helps guide discussions and ensure the committee stays focused on its goals. “I think it’s about coordinating what the committee needs to discuss, organizing what the community needs to vote on, and pushing the objectives and goals of the committee forward,” Marino says.
With years of experience and a deep commitment to the town, Mike Marino is ready to lead Long Valley into the future. His combination of passion, experience, and understanding of the community makes him a strong leader for the job. Long Valley residents can look forward to a mayor who truly cares about their needs and is dedicated to making their town an even better place to live.