B.O.L.O- February Edition
This months information for student safety and security
Be aware of phishing attacks:
- use caution when opening unrecognized emails or text messages
- “you have a package to pick up”
- “Action required on your account”
- individuals requesting verification codes sent your number that they claim they sent for their personal safety
- never share personal information online
- use caution when saving passwords
Protect your keys :
- Modern key dobs emit a radio signal that can be intercepted by thieves using RF signal boosting technology
- Store your key fobs away from doors and windows
Always be aware of your surroundings:
- be alert and keep your cell phone away when walking outside
- use one earbud and lower the volume to hear what’s around you
- pay attention to details, people’s behavior or unusual sounds
- when traveling plan ahead
- be aware of the route you plan to take
- be aware of conditions and potential and hazards