What is West Morris Central All About?
A variety of answers could be given as a response to this question. Some might say it is our school spirit at games or even our drive for academic success. West Morris Central’s new slogan “P.R.I.D.E. in the Pack” simplifies the answer to this question.
As you walk through the hallways you have most likely noticed the miniature signs with this slogan. Collectively, Mr. Rymer and faculty brainstormed words for each letter that they felt was an aspect that the school community represents. Then individually, the words were voted on. The final result was Passion, Responsibility, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence, respectively.
Being that this was created over the summer months, he was unable to get the input from the student body which was very important to him during this process. Having input from those who are with students every day was the alternative.
Although having the students involved during the process was a priority, Mr. Rymer expresses why he was finding it necessary to create the slogan prior to the start of the school year: “Unfortunately I was finishing up someone else’s year, and trying to start up initiatives mid-year sometimes is a difficult thing. So knowing that we had a fresh school year coming up, one of the things I really wanted to do was to have anybody who plays a part at WMC to be able to answer the question ‘what are we all about.”
Not only does the new slogan answer that question , but also it helps recognize those in the school community who display these traits. Mr. Rymer and faculty have decided that every month a student will be chosen from each grade that exemplifies the word for that month. The first month will be for passion, the next will be responsibility, and so on.
Mr. Rymer believes acknowledging students who represent these ideas is important and beneficial to everyone. “Forty students who are living every day what we are all about… because we believe this is that important to celebrate every day.”
As the school year progresses, “P.R.I.D.E in the Pack” gains momentum. A teacher who has taught in West Morris Central for twenty years noted that she has never seen so much West Morris apparel around the halls on a Friday and coaches have reached out to Mr. Rymer for the graphic to incorporate into shirts for the team. There is no doubt that “P.R.I.D.E in the Pack” will continue to gain momentum and have an everlasting impact on West Morris Central.

Sydney Stanilious is a senior here at West Morris Central. This is her second and final year taking journalism and she is one of The Paw’s editor-in-chiefs...