The student news site of West Morris Central High School

Juliana Agnolet

November 5, 2019

“I’m in the IB program. This year I’m taking IB Economics, IB Psychology, IB Math, IB Chinese, and IB English. Those are the five I’m taking this year. I think the IB program has a lot of value and how it tries to push students to think more internationally, and to think outside the box, and to think outside the bubble they grew up in. I do think it’s got a lot of value and that I’m going to get to college and not going to be completely overwhelmed by the workload. I still talk with a lot of my friends who were seniors last year, and I talked to my one friend and she was saying how she had calculus homework that she finished in two days, but her roommate was struggling to finish it before the next class. She then mentioned that she was able to do it all due to doing IB in high school. I definitely look forward to not having that stress in college, being able to kind of take a step back and enjoy. I feel like right now I can’t do that. I feel like I never have any time right now, but I know that if I just stick it out I’ll get to that place.” (Juliana Agnolet, Senior). 

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