The student news site of West Morris Central High School

Livi Mancuso

November 19, 2019

“A holiday tradition that occurs in my family is that on Thanksgiving usually we host, and my mom’s side of the family comes along. Sometimes my grandparents also come. My best friend also comes because her family doesn’t do anything for Thanksgiving. So usually we will all hang out for a couple hours and eat dinner really early. When we eat dinner early we tend to have dessert around seven o’clock and then we play games or sometimes we will have performances. Like my family is very musical so sometimes I will sing or my uncle might play something on the piano. It’s just the family hanging out during the day then the day after we all go to my grandma’s house. There we do a tree trimming where we put the tree up and decorate it. We put ornaments, lights, and bows on it. This whole tradition means a lot to me because I don’t get to see my mom’s side of the family a lot. They live in Connecticut, which is about four and a half hours from my house, and they don’t like to come down a lot. Them coming down for the holiday is a great chance for me to get to see them and it’s a very special moment with them. I always enjoy and cherish spending time with them since it’s hard to see them sometimes. It’s always nice to get the family together.” (Livi Mancuso, Junior).

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