Goodbye Mr. Peanut, Hello Baby Nut!
Oh no, the beloved Mr. Peanut has been announced dead. But wait, is he really?
Mr. Peanut has been the iconic mascot for the food brand Planters. We have all known Mr. Peanut to be the elegant face of the delicious salted peanuts and many other snacks that we’ve grown to enjoy.
Unfortunately, right before the Super Bowl, it was announced that Mr. Peanut had died during a tragic accident. While riding with two friends, Mr. Peanut had swerved out of the road trying to avoid hitting an armadillo and drove his peanut car right off a cliff. his two friends and he were grabbing a branch as it began to snap, Mr. Peanut then made the ultimate decision and decided to sacrifice himself in order for the other two to live. The sad video of him falling off the cliff and an explosion soon after left viewers shocked. He was pronounced dead on Twitter on January 22, 2020.
As many mourned the death of the cane-swinging, top hat-wearing peanut, they were presented by a pleasant surprise during the Super Bowl on February 2, 2020. During a commercial for the Planters, the funeral of Mr. Peanut was shown to the public. With many upset beside his grave, a miracle happened. The Kool-Aid Man, a bystander at the funeral, could not control himself as he cried in front of everyone. With his tears running down his face, a drop fell onto the grave of Mr. Peanut. As the lights from heaven triumphed over the clouds, a small green vine began to grow out of Mr. Peanut’s grave. Then Baby Nut appeared, a cute little baby version of Mr. Peanut.
Baby Nut did not stop there when on February 2, 2020 he did a Twitter Live. For 4 hours people could watch Baby nut hanging out in his room doing various dances, reading, and even at one point, napping. The official twitter for Baby Nut has been filled with various images and videos of the adorable Baby Nut just being a baby. Baby Nut has stated, “Goober Goober Ga Ga.” Although it is unknown what he was trying to say, it truly was cute!
Baby Nut seemed to win fans over and made others forget instantly about the death of Mr. Peanut. With the growing amount of baby characters the cuteness doesn’t seem to end anywhere. Baby Nut has certainly given characters such as Baby Yoda, a run for their money.
In Loving Memory of Mr. Peanut; 1916-2020.

Sebastian Gutkin is a senior here at West Morris Central High School and is currently Editor-in-Chief. This is his third and final year writing for The...