P.R.I.D.E Students of the Month: Integrity
Brendan Rainforth: 9th Grade
This is Brendan’s first year here at West Morris Central High School. Brendan is very honored to be regonzed for this award out of the whole Freshman class. He displays integrity by always being “ truthful, and accept[ing] the things that [he] do[es] wrong, such as forgetting an assignment or missing a practice.” He also attempts to do the right thing rather than taking the easy way out. He reminds us that “ it may not be fun or easy, you should always do the right thing, whether it’s holding a door open, or giving up your time to help your community.” With that said he believes any student wanting to be of more integrity should admit if the do something wrong and perform random acts of kindness. He believes P.R.I.D.E is making the school community a better place and that everyone should be proud of everything they have, can do, and achieve.
Andrew Rowland: 10th Grade
Andrew Rowland is a Sophomore here at West Morris Central. Receiving this award means that Andrew is being “recognized for showing the morals and principles this school stands for, which to [Andrew] is a huge honor.” He displays integrity through open mindedness, honesty, and uplifting his fellow classmates. For those who want to display integrity, Andrews advice is to “be respectful and listen to your teachers and classmates, and to always try to do the right thing.” Andrew also believes P.R.I.D.E unfies the students of WMC by guiding them to help better themselves as classmates and learners. P.R.I.D.E represents how students want to be represented within their community.
Kevin Finlay: 11th Grade
Kevin Finlay is a Junior at West Morris Central. Receiving this award is a huge honor to Kevin because he believes that his “peers put their best foot forward everyday just like [he does] , so to be recognized as a student of the month is a huge privilege.” According to Kevin, integrity means always doing the right thing no matter who’s watching, this has become his motto in all aspects of life. At home with his family, at school, and on the field Kevin strives to do the right thing. By using this as his guiding principle he his able to be his best self at all times. He advises others to do the same and to be kind to all. He believes that P.R.I.D.E gives students a sense of belonging and the ability to actively support and participate in school life. Lastly, Kevin wants students and readers to know how “proud [he is] to be a part of the West Morris Central High School community!”
Katie Sneddon: 12th Grade
This is Katie’s final year at West Morris Central. Katie is excited to receive this award because as a scout she feels integrity is one of the most characteristics. She is ecstatic that other people see that in her. She displays integrity by being trustworthy and honest even if it isn’t convenient for her. The only advice she has for others is, “be polite, be friendly, try to keep to the truth, and keep your word.” Katie also says that the smallest thing can mean the most someone and reminds students that it “isn’t one and done,” integrity is continuous. Katie thinks P.R.I.D.E. is an important way to teach the student body how to act during school and after. She believes the student body is united under one goal through P.R.I.D.E.

Sarah Sehgal's currently a Senior at West Morris Central High School. This is her second year writing for The Paw and she is very excited about it. Sarah...