Farewell to Seniors from Faculty


Saying goodbye to students and teachers on the last day of senior year is universally one of the hardest yet most personal moments to happen throughout high school. The class of 2020 differs from all of the classes before them because they will not be able to physically be there with their favorite teachers on the last day of school.  This does not change the fact that they are graduating though. They have been here for 4 years and although things unfolded unceremoniously for them, the teachers at West Morris Central still want to wish them all the best. The Paw is excited to be able to share the kind goodbyes of the teachers and faculty of West Morris Central High School. 


Mr. Hogan:

To Central Theatre’s senior “cast” of 2020: Thank you for everything you’ve done to elevate our program over the past four years. The “cast” of 2020 has truly been an unforgettable group that has always had their eyes, hearts, and minds set on the impact and the potential to reach others. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your passion, your voices, and your energy. You will be missed. I am excited for your future and believe in every single one of you. Always find the Art in everything that you do, and continue to share the story.


Mrs. Ade:

To my incredible seniors,

You will be incredibly missed. I’m sorry this year didn’t end the way any of us expected it to, but I’m hopeful this is the beginning of a life for you all where you expect the unexpected, dare to dream, and do AMAZING things! Face your fears, challenge yourself, and always learn from the mistakes you will inevitably make. Most importantly, don’t forget to keep an open mind, to love others, be kind, and enjoy every moment before you become a “real” adult. We’ll be here for you when you need us. Don’t forget to reach out!

All the best, always.

Mrs. Ade


Mr. Cinotti:

To my Period 1 and Period 6 Senior English Classes:

I have thoroughly enjoyed our time together. I think I lucked out and had the best senior English classes this year! You’ve got great senses of humor and wonderful work ethic. I’m sure you will go far.

I’m disheartened that we didn’t get to spend the last months of your school year together in person because I always looked forward to teaching and learning from you in our classes. In fact, the first time I saw all of you on Google Meet after three weeks of remote learning, that was the highlight of my day and confirmed for me just how special you all are.


Wishing you all the best in whatever the future holds for you!


Mr. Jacobsen:

Mrs. J and I would like to wish nothing but the best to a wonderful group of young women and men! As you now have experienced first hand, nothing in life is easy! We enjoyed watching you compete, perform, and treat others with dignity and respect. Stay in touch. 

-Coach/Mr. J


Mr. Goodwin:

Stay focused on your goals. Stay Active. Do something that will make a positive difference in the world/country/community.


Mr. Rymer:

Class of 2020-

I know this is not the way you expected the spring of your senior year to play out but I’m tremendously proud of how you have handled yourselves during these difficult times. It has been said that adversity does not build character, it reveals it. The adversity that each of you has faced in recent times has clearly revealed your grit, determination, and steadfast Wolfpack spirit. I am proud to be your principal and wish you nothing but health, happiness, and success as you move on from WMC. Just remember…once a part of the Wolfpack Family, ALWAYS part of the Wolfpack Family.

Yours with “P.R.I.D.E. in the Pack”

Mr. Rymer


Sr. Cuckar:

It was a pleasure teaching and coaching this group for the past 4 years! I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. I know you will be successful!


David Ehasz:

To our seniors, I have had the privilege of working with a number of you over the past few years. I am continually impressed by your talent and enthusiasm. Remember to always maintain a positive mental attitude. Positive thinking produces positive outcomes. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Mrs. Barnett:

Congratulations to the entire senior class of 2020, no doubt going out like nobody else has ever done!! A special shout out to the graduating field hockey players and Morris County Champions!!! Best of luck to all!!


Madame Amaral:

À mes élèves de français:  Je vous félicite et vous souhaite un avenir souriant!  


 Dr. Kayal:

To my seniors…

Know that each of you has found a place in my heart that has not dwindled with distance learning. I am looking forward to your visits and hearing about all of the amazing accomplishments I know you will make. I wish you  health and much happiness in the up and coming years, and “May the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows”. 

Love, Dr. Kayal


Mrs. Zedowski:

To the class of 2020, you don’t know what the lessons of these times are yet, but I’m sure the adjustments you had to make during this time will make you be able to face the future with strength and endurance. You all rock! Best wishes for the days ahead️. Congratulations, you did it!!


Mrs. Grasso:

Congratulations Class of 2020! We entered the doors of WMC together as you are my first graduating class, and now you are heading out ready to embark on many new amazing adventures! It has been a privilege working with you! I wish you the best of luck as you write the next chapter of your life story. Best wishes!


Mrs. Davis:

Dear Senior Class,

You have accomplished great things — Congratulations! It has been a pleasure seeing you in the hallways, classroom and the library over the past few years. You have truly worked hard, and the WMC faculty is proud of each and every one of you. Please don’t be too discouraged by this unusual end to your year. The lessons you learn from the unexpected will make your future choices and experiences that much more meaningful. Let this hiatus be a reminder to live in the moment, take pride in your accomplishments, big and small, and consider ways to use your passions and strengths to make this world a better place. Enjoy the summer, and remember you will always be a part of the WMC Wolfpack!


Happy trails to you,

Mrs. Davis


Ms. Hedden:

You know if I could see you, what I would say:  Take your amazing talents you have, go forth in the world, and be amazing.  Always be true to yourself, make sure you can smile at what you see in the mirror every night not for how you look but for what you did that day, follow your heart but guided by your head, and never forget to savor the strawberry that life offers you.  (Remember sometimes you have to look for the strawberry.)  You have a family here, and if you need us, just call.

Love,  Ms. Hedden


Sra. Olsen:

My dear students, 

I am going to miss you more than I can say. It has been a wonderful, very strange year, and although I feel robbed of a quarter of the time I should have had with you, I cherish the time we did have. Interacting with each of you, watching you interact with each other, hearing you speak Spanish, and reading your writing has filled me with hope and excitement for the future. You are all amazing young adults! I feel very lucky to have gotten to know you, and you make me feel incredibly proud to be a resident of this town. 

Congratulations to you for all of your accomplishments, and congratulations to your parents for doing such an excellent job raising you. Best of luck next year as you embark on a new adventure. I can’t wait to hear all about it!!!

Big hugs to you all,

Sra. Olsen

p.s. ¡Siento escribir este mensaje en inglés! ¡Ojalá que me puedan perdonar!


Mrs. Kisatsky:

To my journalism seniors:  thank you so much for your hard work this year.  You have accomplished so much!  From re-launching the website, to creating a collaborative newspaper, to working hard on getting our print issues out on time, you have risen to each challenge and made the most of this year.  I appreciate your time, energy, and ideas!  All will be greatly missed next year.  Best of luck to you all! Please stay in touch!

To my senior English class:  I know we only had half the year together (and what a strange half!) but I feel fortunate to have met each one of you.  I enjoyed reading your narratives and getting to know  a different side of you.  I also enjoyed some of our brief but memorable acting sessions while reading Death of a Salesman.  I wish you all the best.  Please stay in touch!


Mr Stingle:

To the 2020 Choir Seniors,

Congratulations for making it through your senior year!  For four years (some of you) and one year (one of you), you have watched me grow alongside you at WMC.  We have shared some of the most beautiful moments on stage, and some of the most comical times in class.  Through it all, I have been enthralled, frustrated, emotional, annoyed, amazed, disappointed, and happy.  You all make me happy.  Whether you showed up for a concert when you were sick, you attended honors concerts, you played piano on stage,  belted out a solo on the Central Theatre stage, or simply came by for a lesson, you made me smile.  And after all that you have to endure this year, you need to go out now and celebrate with the enthusiasm of Nick Fleming and the joy of Sarah Zeliff.  Beyond everything else, though, please know that we love you, and we always will remember the class of 2020!


Mr. and Mrs. Stingle (your Choir Parents)


Ms. Meckler:

Thank you for the memories and the music, Class of 2020! You will never be forgotten, and I will miss you very much. May you continue to make music throughout your life both for your own enjoyment, and to bring joy to others. I will always be here to support you! 

Sincerely, Ms. Meckler 🙂


Mrs. Gizas:

To the AP BIOLOGY class of 2020: Best wishes for great adventures ahead!  Don’t spill your chai on your chi square test.  Use only reef-safe sunscreen!  Come back and visit me and the new crop of fast plants.  Always be an iNaturalist, and when you see a rainbow in the sky, remember that it doesn’t have the color purple! 


Mrs. Najjar:

Class of 2020, I encourage you to find ways to celebrate these milestones in a creative way. Remember that no one can take away your memories with teachers and of the times with friends at West Morris Central. Congratulations and I wish you all the best!  


Mr. Staine:

To the 2020 Seniors and specifically, my seniors: You guys are the real deal.  If you can navigate this, then you’ll definitely be able to handle college, work, the armed forces…..and just life in general. I miss seeing you fools but like we have said…once we get a little closer to normal we’ll all catch up and have that belated Cinco de Bio bash. We’ll get the ceiling tile and college wall done too!  Love you guys.  Stay well. See you soon!


Ms. Harrington:

To this year’s Precalc classes — Thanks for all the laughs, support, and hard work you have given me this year. It has been a joy to be your teacher, and I’m so sorry that we did not get a full year together. I wish you all the very best!


To last year’s Precalc class — The Brain Break Olympic champions of 2019! Whether working on trig identities or trivia games, you clicked as a class and supported each other. I miss you all and wish you the best!


To Central Theatre seniors — It has been an honor to watch you grow as performers and people over the last four years. You will always hold a very special place in my heart, and I hope you stay in touch and share the next part of your journey with me!


Mrs. Oatley:

Congratulations Class of 2020!


When we think of 2020, we often relate it to hindsight being 2020 which translates to, “If we knew what we know now.”  Nobody could have predicted the outcome and shut down of our schools for the remainder of the year.  But, knowing what we know now, don’t let the ending to your tenure in high school define who you become in the future.  We have all learned from this experience.  Years from now this will be a tale to tell.


Twenty-twenty also means perfect vision.  So, as you look forward and move into your future endeavors, look with the clear eyes.  That’s not to say any of us can predict the future, it just means be ready.  Change happens.  Challenges will confront you.  You are strong.  You have vision.  You will conquer.  You are the future.


Be the best that you can be … Sincerely, Mrs. Oatley


Señorita Seitz:

The class of 2020 will always hold a special place in my heart. I taught many of you as sophomores during my very first year of teaching, and I had the pleasure of teaching some of you for two years in a row in Spanish 2 and Spanish 3.  You have challenged me, inspired me, and helped shape me into the teacher that I long to be.  As you move on to the next chapter of your lives, remember:


-Don’t be afraid to take risks and make mistakes…we learn and grow from our errores.


-Surround yourself with people who support you and make you laugh…we all need some chistes in our lives!


Wishing you success and happiness in the future.  ¡Hasta luego!


Unified Coaches:

To the Seniors who have taken this years Unified team to new heights, we just want to thank you for all you have done!  Your kindness, generosity, competitiveness and care for your peers is what makes you all so special!  We wish you all the best of luck in the future and know you will all go onto great things! Thank you, Thalia, Elizabeth, Kaitlyn, Kristine, Ryan A, Joey.  You have all left your mark on the program that will be lasting for years to come!  We will miss you all and hope to see you all for next years alumni game! 


Ms. Johnson:

Dear Class of 2020, 


It has been an honor to teach and get to know so many of you. Although the future is uncertain, I feel so optimistic when I know that it is in your hands. I will keep the memories of your brilliance, creativity, humor, and kindness close to my heart. My best advice is to always stay curious, love deeply, and see the humor in every moment; you all have helped me do that every day. 


“I hope that life without a chaperone is what you thought it’d be

I hope your brother’s El Camino runs forever

I hope the world sees the same person that you’ve always been to me

And may all your favorite bands stay together” – Dawes


Love always, 

Ms. Johnson