Journalism Farewell Letter

Journalism Farewell Letter

Reid Riccordella

Dear Soon To Be Football Seniors,

You will hear this a million times from the coaches and Wolfpack alum, you’re senior year will fly. I know what you’re thinking; I thought the same thing last June… how in the world does a six month season go by fast? Especially with the lengthy practices, football camp and two-a-days. Do not be naive or stubborn like I was, it will. Cherish ever single second you spend on that field. From 220’s to quick six to Friday nights. Everything. When our season ended last year, it hit me hard. Never again would I play the game I loved most. Never again would my friends, family, school and town be cheering my name on a Friday night. Never again would I run through the tunnel with my brothers. Wolfpack football is something else. I know that sounds cheesy but I did not realize it until it was all done. I don’t think if the season ended in a State Championship I would even be happy. You might think that sounds crazy but after the loss, I didn’t cry because we lost the game, I cried because football was over. Maybe one of you will go on to play in college, shoot I may even try to walk on myself, but there is absolutely nothing like Wolfpack football. Give your all, every single play. Every single practice. If you slack at all, even during practice, you’ll regret it. LOVE PRACTICE! Too many people absolutely dread practice. Each and every day you have the opportunity to play the game we all love. Ask any former player, they would give an arm and a leg to have just one more practice, not even a game. I would do absolutely anything to trade places with you. I envy you. Do not waste your senior season by trying to get by each day, embrace each day of football. It doesn’t last forever. December seems like a lifetime away but don’t blink before it will be here before you know it and the last thing I would wish on any of you is to feel like I did crying on that wolf that cold November night.