My Advice For You

My Advice For You

Chris Garino

Dear future WMC alumni,

People say that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. If you ask me, I’d say that’s a lie, because I’m about to complete that journey and it started at 5 AM, falling headfirst out of my bed. Right now, I understand that many of you are confused about high school, and that’s alright, after all that’s what’s supposed to happen. So I’m going to give you this piece of advice I had to find on my own: the world is your oyster. It always has been, it still is, and it always will be. These next four years will only be as good as you make them, no more no less.

When I say the world is your oyster, I mean that there’s nothing stopping you from achieving your dreams. High school is a fresh start, whether you like to believe it or not, giving you the chance to start over. If you want to join a team or star in the musical, it’s yours to do, and that’s what makes high school beautiful. While there are rough patches on the road, when you reach the end it’s satisfying and if you play your cards right you walk out of this place a different person. During your freshman year don’t be afraid to take chances, because sometimes those chances might change your life forever. It may give you a brand new outlook or even help you shape your future in college.

Furthermore, nobody goes into high school knowing what their dream job, so don’t just take courses geared for your intended career. Try other courses, you never know, they could be your new favorites. The work unfortunately can be a bit of a drag but nothing feels better when you finish a major assignment you poured your all into.

As for your social life, keep the friends you have but these four years test a lot of friendships. You’re going to close the book on a lot of friendships, but you will also make new ones. The people who stick with you at the end of high school are your true friends and are the people who matter most in your life. Also, never let somebody tell you what to do or what to think of yourself. Those people are only people trying to squander your potential, they’re speedbumps, ignore them.

In the end, high school is about self-discovery and change. If you do well and keep an optimistic mind about everything, you’ll be fine.

I wish you the best of luck.

Chris Garino