Colleges Visit WMC

Colleges Visit WMC

Brandon Walker, News Editor

Mini College Day was where WMC students had the opportunity to meet with over 50 college representatives. Starting Thursday September 18th, colleges such as TCNJ and Princeton were represented.


This provided students with a great opportunity to seek out available colleges. Mrs. Buchanan, in WMC guidance who organized the event, encouraged students to “go over the list of schools and identify schools of interest and develop a list of questions.”


An interesting point about Mini College day was that it gave the students who attended a head start in not only their college search process, but also in their college admission process.


Mrs. Buchanan confirmed that this event would help students in college admissions by “…meeting college admission counselors that are in charge of our school’s applications.”


As a recap, WMC students received their share of pertinent information for the day. As a long term effect, Mrs. Buchanan hopes that students were “introduced and educated about the application process and academic programs available.”