Summer is almost here! Here are some reminders to keep in mind from the guidance department during May and June – the two final months of the year!
AP and IB testing will take place throughout the month of May. Testing students should check their email for information about test locations.
May 1st marks National College Decision Day! Congratulations to all of the seniors applying to college for their acceptances.
During lunch on May 13th and 20th, Mrs. Cartier will hold a group for seniors about the transition from high school to college in room A125.
On May 21st and 22nd, freshmen and juniors will sit for NJSLA testing. Sophomores and seniors will have a delayed opening and attend the Career Fair or Wellness Fair when they arrive at school. The Career Fair on May 21st will feature twenty five speakers from different fields including business, engineering, computer science, law/law enforcement, constructions, cosmetology, finance, and health sciences. The Wellness Fair on May 22nd will include sessions on a wide range of topics including yoga, dance, drums, and writing and will be led by WMC staff as well as local wellness vendors.
Seniors will meet with guidance counselors one last time on May 29th and 30th to talk about post-graduate plans. Those who applied to college should come prepared with their decisions from each college they applied to because the guidance counselors need this information for Naviance.
Congratulations to all students for nearly completing the 2023-2024 school year!