Dear Wolfie, Senioritis Strikes

Dear Wolfie, Senioritis Strikes
Dear SickSenior,
A lot of my students are suffering from this ailment you speak of… And they’re not even seniors! You are not alone. I think it comes down to having pride in your work (and yourself!) and finding that intrinsic motivation to still give your best. It’s often extrinsic motivators that drive students, and for seniors, most of those motivators are removed if they know they’ll already have the credits to graduate, they’re getting “good enough” grades to participate in sports and activities, and they already got into college or have a job or other path lined up. Instead, see if you can find the value in each learning opportunity. There is also value in disciplining yourself to do something even when you don’t feel like it. So whether you’re struggling to study for an IB exam, battling with yourself to get an essay done, or even just having a hard time getting to school on time as your motivation wanes, dig in and see if you can find it in yourself to still give your best. You have less than two months left, so make the most of this time, and then in June, you can CELEBRATE knowing that you’ve earned it.
Personally, when I have a lot on my plate and not feeling super motivated, I make a checklist of what I need to complete, and after I cross something off, I reward myself with a brain break. (Example: Have a piece of chocolate while doing the Paw’s Wordle!) It helps keep me going and refreshes me for the next task. I still do all my tasks full out, though. 🙂
Good luck!
– Wolfie
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